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What is an Air-Air Heat Pump Wall Split System? 
An Air-Air Heat Pump Wall Split System is a type of heat pump that
provides both heating and cooling through units mounted on the wall. It
consists of an outdoor unit that contains the compressor and one indoor units
that deliver warm or cool air into the room.

How does a Wall Split System work? 
The wall split system works by extracting heat from the outside air (even in cold weather) and transferring it indoors for heating. For cooling, the process is reversed – the system extracts heat from the indoor air and releases it outside, thereby cooling the interior.

Are Wall Split Systems efficient for heating and
Yes, wall split systems are known for their energy efficiency. They use heat pump technology, which can be more energy-efficient than traditional heating and cooling methods.

Can I control the temperature in individual rooms with a Wall Split System? 
Absolutely. Each indoor unit
of a wall split system operates independently, allowing you to control the temperature in each room or zone where a unit is installed.

What are the benefits of an Air-Air Heat Pump Wall Split System? 
Benefits include individual room control, energy efficiency, the convenience of both heating and cooling from one system, and a wall-mounted design that doesn’t take up floor space. Total cost of implementation, product and installation is more affordable compared to other heating and
cooling solutions.

Is the installation of a Wall Split System hard? 
The installation requires mounting units on the wall and connecting them to the outdoor unit. While it is easier than ducted systems, professional installation is needed to ensure optimal efficiency and minimal disruption and to comply with regulations regarding the F-gas refrigerant.

How much noise does a Wall Split System make? 
Modern wall split systems are designed to be quiet. Most units operate at a low noise level, which is typically not disruptive to everyday activities. The sound of the outdoor unit could be compared with a fridge.

Can I use a Wall Split System in a large home? 
Wall split systems are ideal for single rooms, apartments, or open floor plans. Multiple indoor units can be installed for larger homes, each controlled independently for personalized comfort in different zones or two separate
systems for each floor plan.

Do Wall Split Systems require a lot of maintenance? 
Maintenance is relatively straightforward, primarily involving regular cleaning of the filters and ensuring the outdoor unit remains debris-free. A professional check-up is also recommended every
two-three years.

How long do Wall Split Systems typically last? 
With proper maintenance, a wall split system can last up to 15 years, although this can vary based on usage and the specific model.