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Looking for Heating & Cooling Solutions for Your Home?

If you're building new, renovating, or need to replace a broken heating system, we have solutions for both water and air-based systems that can help

Heating or cooling

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Air-to-air Heat Pump and Air Conditioner

Air-to-air Heat Pump and Air Conditioner

  • For those who heat with electric radiators at home and are looking for a more cost-effective heating alternative.
  • For those who want the option of efficient and affordable cooling during warm days.
  • For those who want an effective complement to their current heating system.
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Air-Water Heat Pumps

Air-Water Heat Pumps

If you have a hydronic system, which means you have water in your radiators or in your underfloor heating and currently use, for example, gas, oil, an electric boiler, or pellets for heating.

Then it's easier than you think to replace your old system or complement your existing system if you have an accumulator tank.You can also receive significant subsidies for your exchange, greatly reducing the payback period.

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